Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Madz and Lola resting by the fire...

Maddie's 5th Birthday!

We had Maddie's party at the rec center.   It was a lot of fun! She invited some friends and we all got to go swimming after pizza and cake.
 Here Madz is opening gifts...
 Fish eatin' his cupcake, Yum!
 The whole gang
 party favors
 This was at the house on Sunday...we had family over! 
I can't believe she is 5, where does the time go?

Daddy Daughter Dance

Mike got Liv a corsage

Already to go...

Liv and her Daddy

Monday, January 2, 2012

Happy New Year!

 Just before the ball was about to drop Maddie closed the doors and watched through the windows because she was afraid it was going to be loud.
 Silly Group

Christmas with Grandma Terri

Christmas 2011

Christmas with Grandpa Tom