Sunday, November 1, 2009

Happy Halloween

Saturday morning we carved pumpkins! Nothing like waiting until the last minute...but it worked out, and the girls had fun getting their hands dirty.
especially Madelyn :)

Madelyn, Olivia, Mommy

For trick-or-treating Grandma Holly, Papa, Aunt Wendy, Chris, Becca, and their little monkey (aka Fisher) came over to help pass out treats and eat chilli. Chris made the chilli and it was so good! I asked for the recipe but he said he would have to dig through the garbage cuz there was no recipe. Natural cooks, can't stand'em. Grandma Holly made pumpkin mac'n cheese and we also had salsa balls. It was good we had all the warm food because it was a blustery night in N.Ridgeville. Couldn't see many costumes due to winter jackets and hats. We had a pirate and a ballerina. Here are some pics from that night....