Thursday, June 17, 2010

The Girls Graduate!

We are so proud of both our girls for having such a successful school year! I am going to brag about them sorry...

Maddie is doing great learning the alphabet. She is even starting to recognize letters :) She loves to write the letter "M" and she is working on "a" and "d." She started riding her bike this summer and is a machine on it. She passes her sister who enjoys a sunday stroll on her bike. Maddie is still working on potty training but is getting better. #1 is great but its the #2 that we can't figure out. She says it scares her to let it go?! She has gone about 4 times in the last month but only if she is naked. So I guess we will look a lot like WT this summer so Madz can figure out the potty. Hey, whatever it takes! She still continues to make Mike and I laugh with her silly voices and stubborn behavior. She must get that from her dad!

Olivia had a great report from her teacher for preschool. They said she was a bright little girl and is ready for kindergarten. She just needs to work on our address and tieing her shoes. She told her teacher she lives in "Ohio State." :) I have been introducing the pre-reading books to her and at night before bed we work a little bit on starting to read. Sometimes she has an interest and other times she just really enjoys listening. It has been really exciting for us to see Liv's growth from just last year when we were working on the alphabet sounds. Her strength is rhyming words. If she hears or says two words that rhyme she is quick to point it out. She is still really big on make-believe and pretend play. She loves to dress up and pretend. She also loves to tell her sister what to be as well. Liv told her teacher she wants to be "a teacher" when she grows up. What a smart kid! :) The two big things she is looking forward to next year are: #1 riding the school bus #2 no naps

Way to go girls we are so proud of you and looking forward to another great year!