Sunday, October 17, 2010

Madelyn's Gymnastics Class

I signed Madelyn up for gymnastics again. She seemed to enjoy it last year and said she wanted to do it again. Livi is playing soccer so we thought we would get Maddie involved in something as well. Well, the first night she cried and only participated for ice cream. The second night went better but her sister had to sit inside the room with her. (Olivia LOVED that!) The third night was about the same but I didn't let Liv sit inside. Let me also share with you that it was a chore to get her dressed and in the car! She fought with me about everything. So on the fourth night when I told her it was time to get dressed and she ran away from me, I decided it just wasn't worth the fight! So, there are no pictures of Madelyn in gymnastics because we no longer attend! Were gonna try dance next.....I let you know how that goes:)