Saturday, April 16, 2011

Livi Lost her First Tooth

It all started with Livi asking me if it was normal to have "other teeth behind your teeth?" I was like what are you talking about? She said she had a tooth behind her other teeth....and sure enough there was a tooth coming in behind her baby teeth on the bottom. What concerned me was the baby teeth were NOT loose at all. We made a dentist appointment for the following week and within two days the tooth in front became loose. So the appointment was not necessary but we took her anyway just to make sure. He said all was good and that she will start loosing those bottom teeth.

Then, on April 7 when I picked Liv up from school she had a surprise! She lost her tooth. Her teacher said she was determined to get it out so I think she helped it along but it was pretty loose. I couldn't even touch it... I tried to take some pics but its on the bottom so its hard to see and Liv was making silly faces...